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         Flying above the sky, Raffy saw a manananggal above the sea. She tried to attack him releasing her laser light towards him. But Raffy immediately escaped. Raffy then opened his palms strong and fast on his sides. The ray of hot water appeared  from the middle and upper part of his chest. It moved and headed towards a manananggal flying above the sea. The manananggal was hit. She screamed in 
pain, turned orange, and exploded......... The following day Raffy saw another fierce manananggal. She attacked him. Her tongue headed to him, trying to catch him. Raffy immediately escaped.  Raffy retaliated and opened his palms strong and fast on his sides. The ray of cold water appeared  from the middle and upper part of his chest. It moved and headed towards a manananggal flying above the big cityIt moved and headed towards a manananggal flying above the sea. The manananggal was hit. She froze and was covered with thick frozen water. She screamed in pain, turned orange, and exploded......................

         From the sea where he was swimming, the merman Raffy saw a fire in the middle of the city.  He immediately flew up, his merman tail disappeared and was replaced by his two strong legs. He flew towards the direction of the big fire. The crowd immediately saw him. Raffy, then opened his palms strong and fast on his sides. The ray of water appeared. He aimed at the fire. The water headed towards the buildings on fire. Every time the water hits a place where there was fire, it was extinguished. He continued firing his ray of water 
downwards until the big fire was totally put off. The grateful citizens looked up at the flying superhero. They cheered and thanked him for saving their city. He nodded at them, he then flew back up and headed to the sea……………. The whole city was flooded. Super Raffy from above opened his palms fast and strong. The ray of water appeared. It moved and headed to the flood. The ray of water touched the flood. Suddenly, the water flow reversed. The flow of water went up. The flood water level started to go down. Super Raffy continued absorbing the flood water in the big city. Finally, the roads appeared, the flood was removed. All the flood water was contained in his body. His appearance remained the same Raffy then went back to the skies and poured the water down to the sea……… Farms had suffered from long droughts. It did not rain for a long, long time. Raffy released the ray of water from the middle and upper part of his chest. Raffy watered the lands that had turned dry. He flew and flew above the sky watering farms across the islands.............."Thank you for watering our lands!" the humans shouted from the ground....Raffy then decided to go home back to the ocean. He passed by a crowded place. He watched as the swimmers prepared to race. The beautiful girls and boys dove down to the swimming pool. The moment their bodies touched in the water they turned mermen and mermaids. The mermen and mermaids raced in the big swimming pool. They swam and swam racing against each other in the middle of the big crowd all cheering on them. Moments later, a handsome merman ranked first, a beautiful mermaid ranked second. Pleased, Raffy then continued flying back to the ocean and left the mermaids and mermen school................Raffy swimming in the sea released his ray of hot water from the middle and upper part of his chest. The manananggal flying above him screamed in pain, turned orange, and exploded. Above the sky, Raffy released his ray of cold water to a manananggal flying away and escaping him. It  was hit. The manananggal screamed in pain, turned and froze orange and exploded.............. Raffy flew in half leaving his half tail flipping on the sea surface and disappeared (turned invisible to the eyes or turned into nothingness, physically) as Raffy got farther away............When he returned Raffy's merman tail reappeared (turned visible to the eyes or turned back to its form, physically) and reattached to him. Raffy then swam back to the sea, he really likes.....Raffy rose up elongating his merman tail (dragon tail, shrimp tail) from the sea and going around and across the whole world circling it over and over and again....